Issue 9: Emergence
June, 2022
Cover Artist: Paul James
Emergence is everywhere and in everything you see. From the water you drink and the fire that warms your house, to the murmurations of starlings as you look up to see them fly overhead. It lies also in the poetry and art that enriches our lives…
Editor’s Picks
Everything Takes Time by Patricia Hemminger
Headstarting by Andrea Joy Adams
No Two Snowflakes by Benjamin WC Rosser
Stigmergy by Ruth Aylett
Tanis, Emerged by Karen Warinsky
Chaos Theory by Lynne Goldsmith
Confusion resolved by Monsurat O. Oloyede
Emergence of alcohols by Stephen Paul Wren
Everything Takes Time by Patricia Hemminger
Ghost Sign by André Silva
halley's comet, 1986 by Christina Lux
Headstarting by Andrea Joy Adams
Life Under the Butterfly Effect by Michele Issel
Micellisation by Michael J. Leach
No Filter by Rivka Leah Isaacson
No Two Snowflakes by Benjamin WC Rosser
Quantum Hair by James Penha
Science Concatenation by Ganiyat K. Oloyede
Sensate by Norman Miller
Stigmergy by Ruth Aylett
Tanis, Emerged by Karen Warinsky
The Bear's Den by Linsey Duncan
The Wind in the Wet Labs / A Quartet takes Wing by Vijaya Gopal
Who shall sing for this child? by Mitt Ann
Art Pieces with ConciliARTe
All that Glitters by Liz Chapman
Eternal by Paul James
Genesis by Alanah Knibb
I am not my atoms by Tim McGraw
The Conscious Waves by Adela Wu
The End of the Beginning? by Richa
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